Tuesday, July 19, 2016



Words have power. Their meaning shapes your perceptions, your beliefs, influence your behavior and inevitably change your life. The words you speak modify your existence and everything else it comes in contact with.
Quantum physics have made it clear that the world we perceive as 'physical' does not actually exist and that all 'matter' is just energy at different levels of vibration. The acclaimed physicist Werner Heisenberg states, “Atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities, rather than one of things or facts.”
Life is more of an energy flow rather than a collection of solid objects and facts and effects of words on this energy flow is profound and deeply radical.
Every word you utter has a positive or negative impact on your immediate environment  and causes respective changes in the energy of all things that happen to 'hear' it. Numerous experiments conducted along these lines leave no doubt about the awesome power that words have over humans, plants, water, wood, metal and everything else. 

When words are combined or backed by intent, the effect is even more sharply pronounced. Think again about the effect a particular song or note of music has on you, how listening to certain tracks make you feel happy, peaceful, or even euphoric, while listening to others induce sadness, melancholy or despair. Numerous experiments have been conducted in labs, hospitals and homes by qualified professionals and common people, which unanimously reinforce this understanding of the power of words.
Try some experiments yourself, the results may encourage a better perception of the world we live in, and how we actively change our surroundings and inevitably our lives. In fact, we are doing that already, day in, day out. Its time to learn how to use words positively to enhance life, rather than suffer the consequences of ignorance.


The changes that appear in a bottle of water that has been exposed to different spoken words, have been well documented by Dr Emoto Masaru, and the results have astounded everyone who has come across it. The results are available on the web. You could, should, try it yourself. Take a couple of bottles of water from the same source, keep it undisturbed, while you speak a chosen word or phrase at it for 7 days. Of course, to see the changes in the crystalline structure of its molecules, you would need a high powered microscope. But you can always measure its effects by using the 'charged' water on your potted plants. The effects are clearly noticeable. While the positively charged water seems to boost growth, the negatively charged water seems to encourage rotting of the tips of the leaves and new shoots. Or you could try dropping a few grains of cooked rice into each bottle while you continue the experiment for at least 7 days, for noticeable results. The results will make you pause and think.

Down south of India, there are chants and hymns, that are used to treat fevers, aches and even boils. It always works and people seldom opt for medication. Why should they, when words can be used medicatively? What do you think would be the effect of chants and incantations used in 'black magic', that are aimed at specific purposes or people?
Remember, In the beginning there was the word. And out of this world came everything that we know today. Do not let the word 'everything'  be underestimated here. It literally means EVERYTHING.  Each word that comes out of your mouth is either a blessing or a curse, and it effects everything around you, actively modifying your perception of life and changing your future accordingly. Too far-fetched? If you think so, maybe it ain't time for you to understand this just yet. But you will soon, trust me.

Everything you utter, other than having an effect on your surroundings, your relationships and your possessions, also has the most profound effect on yourself, as these words tend to hang around you and become part of your static energy, that we call the aura or the 'vibe of a person or thing. This kind of static accumulation is what people try to wash off by bathing in the Ganga, Narmada, Saraswati and other sacred rivers. Putting a bit of oil on yourself before taking a bath seems to ensure greater wash off. The old traditions of our land, which advocate applying oil on yourself before taking a bath,seems to have some kind of validity, don't you think?


Simple words and phrases,like 'Thank you' or 'I love you' caused marked difference in the composition and molecular structure of the water. These effects are not confined to water, they apply to all materials and objects around you as well. We are talking only about water here because its effects can be visibly measured in a bottle with ease. Our bodies are composed of 70% water, just like the surface of the earth, and each drop in us responds to the words spoken to, and around it.

Try praying over a bottle of water every day before you water your plants with it, and I promise you, you will be amazed with the results it produces. Then try shouting or screaming at the bottle of water, or simply utter the choicest bad words you know in its close vicinity. This water is now detrimental to the progress of all life and will produce deteriorating effect on plants.
The practice of praying over your food finds its roots in this phenomenon.

The words you speak, have the power to make or break your life. Consider what happens when angry words are used at home. Life seems to cringe. The more the intent behind the words, the more damaging the 'curse' effect. Consider again when you express thanks or happiness in kind and positive words. Life seems to jump forward and find pathways where none existed. The more the intent behind the words, the more the 'blessed', its effect on life. Of course, the effect of your words are immediately visible on the faces of the rest of your family. What is not immediately visible is its prolonged effect on your physical system and your future potential. Bear in mind that 'Intent' is infinitely more powerful than words, and words are merely vehicles for the application of intent.

Consider the fact that your body is about 70% water and you’ll understand how quickly the vibration from negative words resonates in your cells. Ancient scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. This is not a metaphor.
'Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can change your brain.
I am not a Bible quoter per say, but there are gems of wisdom in it, which should not be ignored. Ephesians 4:29 says: Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear,” and Proverbs 18:21, where King Solomon says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” 

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