Life is precious and short. It will be gone before we know it. Living a self-centered life may assure material success, it also assures an immense sadness in the evening of our lives, culminating in the feeling, that the crucial part of our role as a human being on this beautiful planet, has been left unfulfilled. It is true what they say, 'we will take back nothing from the earth, nothing except our hard-earned feelings'. It is not in our power to carry back the material wealth we may have accumulated, yet it is definitely given to us to carry the feelings and emotions we have harbored throughout our lives. The nature of these feelings decide, whether we die with a smile, or whether we let go of life with that vacant and lost look that so vividly describes a life unlived. A life lived for oneself is a wasted life, and no amount of worldly success can mitigate the feeling of loss and misery, during the last few moments of our great and marvelous journey upon this planet. In those last few seconds, it becomes so agonizingly clear, that all our cleverness, confidence, expertise and power, were but illusions of a feeble mind, that everything we did amounts to nothing, and that perhaps the only thing we did right, was getting down into that gutter to save that little puppy. The strength of that one gesture alone, has the power to light up your life once more, and bring you a smile in those last moments as life ebbs away.
We started dying the minute we were born, and all of life is but a preparation to die the right way. The only way to die well is by inculcating compassion into your being and into every single act you perform. This may be too much of an effort for most of us, yet perhaps, the only mission of a human being on planet Earth, is to spread compassion and love. The best way to do this is to be of use to someone. I know there are people out there who read this and understand the profound truth behind it, yet are at a loss about how exactly to make a difference. No, I am not asking anyone to donate their lifelong savings to a kids charity or buy a house for the homeless, although you must surely do that if you can. All I am saying is that there are several little things each one of us can do, to bring a smile on someone else's face. This is a very important part of life and should not, in any circumstances, be postponed, because no one knows when their time is going to come. Do something helpful today, right now, because it could be tomorrow that you are breathing your last, this might be the only thing you remember, as doing right. This might be the only thing that allows you to stand upright in front of HIM.
Remember, when you reach HIS presence, He ain't going to ask you what you earned, or what you achieved on earth. But trust me, he will want to know what good you did with the time He allotted you, and you might, just might, want to have something to show. Of course, this is only a figure of speech, but the truth it embodies is humungus and deeply indicative of what you need to do. Do not postpone, for there may be no time left for you, the one who is reading, and for me the one who is writing.
Oh! and there are advantages to this too:- (For the business minded ones who are always stuck at " ama mara su? - whats in it for me? Well, thanks for missing the entire paragraph above)
A gesture of kindness and compassion will make you feel better about your miserable self like no selfie ever can. For a moment at least (if not for life), you will connect to another person, making his life better, however slightly. Your gesture will make this world a better place, one small little step at a time. And most importantly, you will probably start a ripple effect, which will multiply many times over as it spreads out into the world.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama
So take just a few minutes out of your busy schedule today, and sow a gesture of kindness for someone. It can be something small, or the start of something big, depending on the size of your heart. Ask for nothing in return, only request them to pay it forward. Their smile is enough reward. Remember that smile, for you are going to remember it again at the very end, when the lights start going out and trust me, you are going to be glad you did it.
I genuinely feel it is useless to make a list of things you can do for people, because this is something that must come from your heart and the very depths of your being. Just look around and you will find a million things that you could have bettered, simply by making yourself available. Yet, I understand that in the fast-paced, technology driven world of today, it is easy to forget just who you are, and why you are here. Even the best of us may sometimes overlook the opportunity to be of help to someone who really needs it, someone whose life would have changed towards better, however slightly, simply because you made your gesture of compassion. So here's a list. If it reminds you of something or inspires you to do something, the purpose of writing this article stands fulfilled.
The list is extremely incomplete, as the opportunities are truly limitless and you will come across a thousand more when you get down to it.
1. Spend time each day thinking about how and what you can ‘give’ to others. These thoughts will add value to you as a human being. Act upon your thoughts, it will enrich your life with true wealth and create that stage for you to depart peacefully when it is time.
2. Smile and be friendly. A simple little thing like this can warm someone’s heart and make their day a little better. A Smile is contagious and it has the innate ability to lighten any situation and forge bonds of friendship and brotherhood. Moreover, it has the tendency to pass on from one to the other.
3. Call someone you care about to let them know that you are thinking of them. This does not necessarily have to be someone who is experiencing a tragedy or great success. It could be simply be an old friend you haven't met in sometime, or a relative you thought you could never connect to. Even a short message will change the thought processes of the people who receive it and bring warmth into their hearts.
4. Pay someone a compliment, preferably face to face with solid eye contact, even if it is to a stranger that you’ve never met before! Who doesn’t like receiving compliments? Tell someone they look great but don’t overdo it. Make sure you are being authentic and genuine.
5. Love unconditionally. Find ways to express your feelings to others, whether it be your partner, child, family member, friend, co-worker, or a complete stranger. A hug, spending time together, showing little kindnesses, speaking softly, being friendly, these are things that really matter. Don't wait till the lights start dimming to understand this. Don't wait for it to be too late. This is what you are here for. All else is just crap.
6. Stop to help. Don;t be in too much of a hurry, you are not going anywhere, but towards the end. And so is everyone else. Take few moments to give directions, pour water for a drying plant, or letting someone into your umbrella in the pouring rain. Sometimes all people need is a push or a pat on the back.
7. Teach. Take the time to teach someone a skill that you are good at. This could be teaching your neighbor to use email, teaching your child to ride a bike, teaching your co-worker a valuable computer skill, teaching someone in your community to drive or swim. The skill you teach will travel further than you in life. It is your way of reaching places and people, you otherwise cannot.
8. Comfort those in grief. A heartfelt hug, a helpful hand, or just a few kind words, go a long way when someone has suffered a loss or is facing a tragedy.
Tragedies and losses happen to all, it is the way life is built. Tomorrow could be our turn.
9. Help take action. Often you will come across people who seem to be lost and don’t know what to do. Help them back on track. Help them heal themselves and you will also be healed. Help, so that you may be helped when you need it the most.
10. Donate food. Clean out your cupboard of canned goods, or buy a couple bags of groceries, and donate them to the ones who need it more than you. Buy food for a homeless person. Offering cash is often a bad idea, as it could end up being used to reinforce the habits that made the person homeless in the first place. Donate the things you don’t use. Drop them off at a charity or to people who can put your clutter to good use. Make a donation, however small. If it is contribution of your hard-earned money, it usually works best when you do it in person to those who really need it.
Do this in utter humility for you ain't helping him as much as you are helping yourself.
11. Listen. Lend your ear. Most troubled or suffering people who end up sad, depressed, angry, lonely, or frustrated just need someone who will listen. Venting and talking helps them clear their minds, and brings new perspective to the solutions to their problems.
12. Always and definitely stop to help someone on the edge. Human existence is such a frail phenomenon and many if us reach the point of contemplating suicide when things have been going the other way for too long. Never ever, give up the chance to help someone who is driven to the edge. The edge is not too far for anyone of us. Your support may be the one thing that could get them back on track. The very fact that existence has brought you in contact with this person signifies that you have a role to play in his life. Your decision to help, or not, is going to affect both, him and you. Be kind to yourself, help him get back to life. It could turn out to be the best thing you ever did. Call a helpline or a doctor if necessary.
13. Be a blessing to your own family and your neighbors. Do chores. Small, big, it doesn't matter, help cleaning those dishes, or washing the car or help in fitting those curtains. I am learning this myself.
14. Show your gratitude every chance you get. Send that email saying how much you appreciate the little thing somebody did. Take every opportunity to appreciate the small good things that happen to you. Never pass an opportunity to tell someone, including your kids, or your wife, how proud you are of them. Say 'Thank you' wherever and whenever you can. This one word can never be used enough. If you are saying it less than ten times a day, something is wrong. Don’t rely on special occasions and greeting cards to express thanks. An unexpected “Thank you” is far more powerful and always appreciated. Tell your parents you really appreciate the support they have given you, or tell your domestic help how grateful you are for the work they do.
15. Show appreciation, publicly. Give positive feedback to someone when in company. Praising someone in front of others stimulates encouragement that is hard to duplicate. It goes a long way in making someone feel better, and is something the person will never forget.
16. Lend your voice. Very often you will come across people who need someone else to speak up for them. This holds especially true for the elderly, the handicapped, and the otherwise neglected. No, you don't have to take up the cause all by yourself, but you can definitely help in spreading the word and creating the awareness which will eventually bring along the right kind of assistance. Always remember, you are not separate from anyone else. Do, what you would like done unto you. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
17. Call a charity or your Church, Temple, Gurdwara, Mosque, to volunteer. You don’t have to go to a soup kitchen today. Just look up the number, make the call, and make an appointment, to volunteer when they need you. It can be whatever charity you like. Volunteering is one of the most amazingly helpful things you could do.
18. Redirect gifts. Instead of having people give you birthday or Christmas gifts, direct them to people who you know need it and can use it better.
19. Donate blood whenever you can. But only if you have a lot of it, as there are plenty others, including children and elderly, who need it urgently in order to survive. There is no charity bigger than this.
20. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Most importantly, try your best to make the above actions a regular habit and part of your routine, rather than on an ad-hoc basis. Watch the magic come alive in your life and in the lives of those around you.
In my rare meanderings through the Bible I found several instances, where the above traits or gestures have been mentioned, and I have taken the effort to mention them here solely for my christian friends, who sometimes tend to forget the true meaning of being a christian.
In Mark 10:45, Jesus says “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus taught through His actions that serving and living for others is not just important, but your mandatory duty. He suffered untold agonies to set an example.
Help your family. (Romans 12:10)
When was the last time you cleaned the dishes or made dinner, not because it was your turn, but just because you can? It’s easy to forget that the ones we need to serve the most are often the ones closest to you. How would the attitudes in our homes change if we started each day by asking, “How can I help you today?” then followed through on the response?
Donate. (Matthew 25:46)
We all have more than we need. Get the family together and clean out the house, gather clothes, toys, books and gadgets to donate. Its only lying there gathering dust, unused. Think of the difference it could make to someone. Donate.
Encouragement and Appreciation. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Encouragement is a gift we can give that costs us nothing. Pick a friend, neighbor, or family member, each week and send an email, text or handwritten note telling that person you are proud of them, that you’re praying for them, or that you’re here to help.
Deliver a meal. (Acts 20:35)
When you make dinner, double that recipe and take it to someone who may need a helping hand. A busy mother, a sick friend, or an elderly neighbor would love a night free from worrying about what’s for dinner.
Help other people shine. (Philippians 2:3)
We want people to acknowledge our accomplishments and our successes, but in Philippians, Paul speaks on the importance of considering others better than ourselves. Helping others showcase their gifts and talents is an awesome way to serve.
Listen. (James 1:19)
Take time to sit with your kids, a friend, your spouse, or a neighbor and just listen to them. Make a point to put your own agenda aside, and focus on what someone else has to say!
Pay it forward. (Proverbs 11:24-25)
Offer to pay for someone whenever you can. The grocery store, The coffee shop, The fast food place, The Tutors, Schools, these are all places where you will find people who will deeply appreciate your help. If you can, pay, with no strings attached. Your generosity will make someone’s day.
How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
– William Shakespeare
If you manage to do five or ten of the gestures listed the above, you have perhaps understood your true purpose in life already.
If you manage to do more than ten, Call me and tell me how.
This article is dedicated to my mother, who spends her life in prayer, gratitude, strengthened by unconditional love and service. If it wasn't for her, perhaps I would have never taken the time to understand what service is.
May the Light be with you all.
Life is precious and short. It will be gone before we know it. Living a self-centered life may assure material success, it also assures an immense sadness in the evening of our lives, culminating in the feeling, that the crucial part of our role as a human being on this beautiful planet, has been left unfulfilled. It is true what they say, 'we will take back nothing from the earth, nothing except our hard-earned feelings'. It is not in our power to carry back the material wealth we may have accumulated, yet it is definitely given to us to carry the feelings and emotions we have harbored throughout our lives. The nature of these feelings decide, whether we die with a smile, or whether we let go of life with that vacant and lost look that so vividly describes a life unlived. A life lived for oneself is a wasted life, and no amount of worldly success can mitigate the feeling of loss and misery, during the last few moments of our great and marvelous journey upon this planet. In those last few seconds, it becomes so agonizingly clear, that all our cleverness, confidence, expertise and power, were but illusions of a feeble mind, that everything we did amounts to nothing, and that perhaps the only thing we did right, was getting down into that gutter to save that little puppy. The strength of that one gesture alone, has the power to light up your life once more, and bring you a smile in those last moments as life ebbs away.
We started dying the minute we were born, and all of life is but a preparation to die the right way. The only way to die well is by inculcating compassion into your being and into every single act you perform. This may be too much of an effort for most of us, yet perhaps, the only mission of a human being on planet Earth, is to spread compassion and love. The best way to do this is to be of use to someone. I know there are people out there who read this and understand the profound truth behind it, yet are at a loss about how exactly to make a difference. No, I am not asking anyone to donate their lifelong savings to a kids charity or buy a house for the homeless, although you must surely do that if you can. All I am saying is that there are several little things each one of us can do, to bring a smile on someone else's face. This is a very important part of life and should not, in any circumstances, be postponed, because no one knows when their time is going to come. Do something helpful today, right now, because it could be tomorrow that you are breathing your last, this might be the only thing you remember, as doing right. This might be the only thing that allows you to stand upright in front of HIM.
Remember, when you reach HIS presence, He ain't going to ask you what you earned, or what you achieved on earth. But trust me, he will want to know what good you did with the time He allotted you, and you might, just might, want to have something to show. Of course, this is only a figure of speech, but the truth it embodies is humungus and deeply indicative of what you need to do. Do not postpone, for there may be no time left for you, the one who is reading, and for me the one who is writing.
Oh! and there are advantages to this too:- (For the business minded ones who are always stuck at " ama mara su? - whats in it for me? Well, thanks for missing the entire paragraph above)
A gesture of kindness and compassion will make you feel better about your miserable self like no selfie ever can. For a moment at least (if not for life), you will connect to another person, making his life better, however slightly. Your gesture will make this world a better place, one small little step at a time. And most importantly, you will probably start a ripple effect, which will multiply many times over as it spreads out into the world.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama
So take just a few minutes out of your busy schedule today, and sow a gesture of kindness for someone. It can be something small, or the start of something big, depending on the size of your heart. Ask for nothing in return, only request them to pay it forward. Their smile is enough reward. Remember that smile, for you are going to remember it again at the very end, when the lights start going out and trust me, you are going to be glad you did it.
I genuinely feel it is useless to make a list of things you can do for people, because this is something that must come from your heart and the very depths of your being. Just look around and you will find a million things that you could have bettered, simply by making yourself available. Yet, I understand that in the fast-paced, technology driven world of today, it is easy to forget just who you are, and why you are here. Even the best of us may sometimes overlook the opportunity to be of help to someone who really needs it, someone whose life would have changed towards better, however slightly, simply because you made your gesture of compassion. So here's a list. If it reminds you of something or inspires you to do something, the purpose of writing this article stands fulfilled.
The list is extremely incomplete, as the opportunities are truly limitless and you will come across a thousand more when you get down to it.
1. Spend time each day thinking about how and what you can ‘give’ to others. These thoughts will add value to you as a human being. Act upon your thoughts, it will enrich your life with true wealth and create that stage for you to depart peacefully when it is time.
2. Smile and be friendly. A simple little thing like this can warm someone’s heart and make their day a little better. A Smile is contagious and it has the innate ability to lighten any situation and forge bonds of friendship and brotherhood. Moreover, it has the tendency to pass on from one to the other.
4. Pay someone a compliment, preferably face to face with solid eye contact, even if it is to a stranger that you’ve never met before! Who doesn’t like receiving compliments? Tell someone they look great but don’t overdo it. Make sure you are being authentic and genuine.
5. Love unconditionally. Find ways to express your feelings to others, whether it be your partner, child, family member, friend, co-worker, or a complete stranger. A hug, spending time together, showing little kindnesses, speaking softly, being friendly, these are things that really matter. Don't wait till the lights start dimming to understand this. Don't wait for it to be too late. This is what you are here for. All else is just crap.
6. Stop to help. Don;t be in too much of a hurry, you are not going anywhere, but towards the end. And so is everyone else. Take few moments to give directions, pour water for a drying plant, or letting someone into your umbrella in the pouring rain. Sometimes all people need is a push or a pat on the back.
7. Teach. Take the time to teach someone a skill that you are good at. This could be teaching your neighbor to use email, teaching your child to ride a bike, teaching your co-worker a valuable computer skill, teaching someone in your community to drive or swim. The skill you teach will travel further than you in life. It is your way of reaching places and people, you otherwise cannot.
Tragedies and losses happen to all, it is the way life is built. Tomorrow could be our turn.
9. Help take action. Often you will come across people who seem to be lost and don’t know what to do. Help them back on track. Help them heal themselves and you will also be healed. Help, so that you may be helped when you need it the most.
10. Donate food. Clean out your cupboard of canned goods, or buy a couple bags of groceries, and donate them to the ones who need it more than you. Buy food for a homeless person. Offering cash is often a bad idea, as it could end up being used to reinforce the habits that made the person homeless in the first place. Donate the things you don’t use. Drop them off at a charity or to people who can put your clutter to good use. Make a donation, however small. If it is contribution of your hard-earned money, it usually works best when you do it in person to those who really need it.
Do this in utter humility for you ain't helping him as much as you are helping yourself.
11. Listen. Lend your ear. Most troubled or suffering people who end up sad, depressed, angry, lonely, or frustrated just need someone who will listen. Venting and talking helps them clear their minds, and brings new perspective to the solutions to their problems.
12. Always and definitely stop to help someone on the edge. Human existence is such a frail phenomenon and many if us reach the point of contemplating suicide when things have been going the other way for too long. Never ever, give up the chance to help someone who is driven to the edge. The edge is not too far for anyone of us. Your support may be the one thing that could get them back on track. The very fact that existence has brought you in contact with this person signifies that you have a role to play in his life. Your decision to help, or not, is going to affect both, him and you. Be kind to yourself, help him get back to life. It could turn out to be the best thing you ever did. Call a helpline or a doctor if necessary.
13. Be a blessing to your own family and your neighbors. Do chores. Small, big, it doesn't matter, help cleaning those dishes, or washing the car or help in fitting those curtains. I am learning this myself.
14. Show your gratitude every chance you get. Send that email saying how much you appreciate the little thing somebody did. Take every opportunity to appreciate the small good things that happen to you. Never pass an opportunity to tell someone, including your kids, or your wife, how proud you are of them. Say 'Thank you' wherever and whenever you can. This one word can never be used enough. If you are saying it less than ten times a day, something is wrong. Don’t rely on special occasions and greeting cards to express thanks. An unexpected “Thank you” is far more powerful and always appreciated. Tell your parents you really appreciate the support they have given you, or tell your domestic help how grateful you are for the work they do.
15. Show appreciation, publicly. Give positive feedback to someone when in company. Praising someone in front of others stimulates encouragement that is hard to duplicate. It goes a long way in making someone feel better, and is something the person will never forget.
16. Lend your voice. Very often you will come across people who need someone else to speak up for them. This holds especially true for the elderly, the handicapped, and the otherwise neglected. No, you don't have to take up the cause all by yourself, but you can definitely help in spreading the word and creating the awareness which will eventually bring along the right kind of assistance. Always remember, you are not separate from anyone else. Do, what you would like done unto you. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
17. Call a charity or your Church, Temple, Gurdwara, Mosque, to volunteer. You don’t have to go to a soup kitchen today. Just look up the number, make the call, and make an appointment, to volunteer when they need you. It can be whatever charity you like. Volunteering is one of the most amazingly helpful things you could do.
18. Redirect gifts. Instead of having people give you birthday or Christmas gifts, direct them to people who you know need it and can use it better.
19. Donate blood whenever you can. But only if you have a lot of it, as there are plenty others, including children and elderly, who need it urgently in order to survive. There is no charity bigger than this.
20. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Most importantly, try your best to make the above actions a regular habit and part of your routine, rather than on an ad-hoc basis. Watch the magic come alive in your life and in the lives of those around you.
In my rare meanderings through the Bible I found several instances, where the above traits or gestures have been mentioned, and I have taken the effort to mention them here solely for my christian friends, who sometimes tend to forget the true meaning of being a christian.
In Mark 10:45, Jesus says “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus taught through His actions that serving and living for others is not just important, but your mandatory duty. He suffered untold agonies to set an example.
Help your family. (Romans 12:10)
When was the last time you cleaned the dishes or made dinner, not because it was your turn, but just because you can? It’s easy to forget that the ones we need to serve the most are often the ones closest to you. How would the attitudes in our homes change if we started each day by asking, “How can I help you today?” then followed through on the response?
Donate. (Matthew 25:46)
We all have more than we need. Get the family together and clean out the house, gather clothes, toys, books and gadgets to donate. Its only lying there gathering dust, unused. Think of the difference it could make to someone. Donate.
Encouragement and Appreciation. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Encouragement is a gift we can give that costs us nothing. Pick a friend, neighbor, or family member, each week and send an email, text or handwritten note telling that person you are proud of them, that you’re praying for them, or that you’re here to help.
Deliver a meal. (Acts 20:35)
When you make dinner, double that recipe and take it to someone who may need a helping hand. A busy mother, a sick friend, or an elderly neighbor would love a night free from worrying about what’s for dinner.
Help other people shine. (Philippians 2:3)
We want people to acknowledge our accomplishments and our successes, but in Philippians, Paul speaks on the importance of considering others better than ourselves. Helping others showcase their gifts and talents is an awesome way to serve.
Listen. (James 1:19)
Take time to sit with your kids, a friend, your spouse, or a neighbor and just listen to them. Make a point to put your own agenda aside, and focus on what someone else has to say!
Pay it forward. (Proverbs 11:24-25)
Offer to pay for someone whenever you can. The grocery store, The coffee shop, The fast food place, The Tutors, Schools, these are all places where you will find people who will deeply appreciate your help. If you can, pay, with no strings attached. Your generosity will make someone’s day.
How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
– William Shakespeare
If you manage to do five or ten of the gestures listed the above, you have perhaps understood your true purpose in life already.
If you manage to do more than ten, Call me and tell me how.
This article is dedicated to my mother, who spends her life in prayer, gratitude, strengthened by unconditional love and service. If it wasn't for her, perhaps I would have never taken the time to understand what service is.
May the Light be with you all.
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