Sunday, July 10, 2016


Let me start with something that has been bothering me since a few days. I developed an irritation around the eyelids which produced a very insistent itch. I had been traveling a lot and suspected that it could be some kind of infection. The right eye swelled up a bit and watered incessantly. The left one was itching too. Rubbing your eyes vigorously only complicates matters, I learned.

Arriving home, I did some research and was amazed to find a whole lot of home remedies for itchy eyes in general, that ranged from potato slices to the juice of coriander leaves. Finding most of the things at home, I tried a few methods and was absolutely amazed with the results. Trust me, no medicines or eye drops that come in dainty packs, can ever compete with the natural remedies that are available almost for free, right in your own kitchen. The difference between man-made and God-made is stark, to say the least. One of the remedies I tried, cured my eyes, almost with the first application, prompting this list of 8 most effective home remedies for itchy eyes. 
Unlike the usual style of these lists, I would like to present the effective treatment first and then move on to the more effective ones, ending with the one that I think is the best cure for all kinds of eye ailments, be it itchy red eyes, styes, or any other kind of infection.


1. Green Tea
This one is really effective for a lot of people. Its anti-inflammatory properties are excellent for red itchy eyes. I tried this and it provided great relief. The itching stops almost immediately and the redness vanishes in a couple of hours. It is utterly simple to use. Boil and cool two teabags in one cup of distilled water and use this solution to wash your eyes two to three times a day.

2. Saltwater

Remember your body is 79% salt water. Salt dissolved into boiling distilled water, cooled and used as an anti-bacterial eyewash, provides great relief in case of itchiness. This stings slightly at first, but trust me, it lets your eyes rest, by clearing away the stuff that was lodged inside. It is also good for tiredness of the eyes, caused due to over-exposure to TV, Computer screens, travel etc. Wash at least 3 times a day for great results.

3. Rosewater

Pure rosewater is one of the most acclaimed home remedies for tired, inflamed, and itchy eyes. I found that rosewater basically soothes and cools the eyes. It can be used as eye drops or as a wash by dissolving a few drops in water. 

4. Castor Oil
Yeah. This one is a little hard to believe. But dig this, castor oil is the main ingredient in almost all commercial eye drops that you can find. Put a drop in your eye and it feels warm after a slight sting. I am not sure this works even better than saltwater in flushing the eyes of debris. Use a clean dropper. Use pure castor oil. The major feature of castor oil is that it reduces the swelling around the eyes immediately. Do this 4 to 5 times a day for maximum relief.

 5. Fenugreek Seed Paste
  This is a great one. You wont believe the effects until you try it. It gets rid of the itch as soon as it is applied. Make a smooth paste of fenugreek seeds that have been soaked in water for 8 to 10 hours. Apply this magical paste on to your tired eyelids and leave it there for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Do this 3 or 4 times a day to get complete relief from itchy eyes.

6. Cold Compress 

One of the simplest, yet most amazing thing I discovered, was that a cold compress around the eyes, works better that most other remedies. And this one does not even require you to put anything into the eyes. Do not under estimate the relief that this method can provide you. Do this as many times as you like. The effect is always pleasant and immediate
7. Juice of Aloe Vera
Aloe juice is another remedy that simply outweighs the ones that passed before. The insides of the Aloe leaf will yield a couple of drops of juice of the right consistency that    you can mix with honey, to form a very effective eye tonic. This application will completely cure your condition at the earliest. You can also use pure aloe juice.   Yes, it stings a bit, but so does honey. there isn't much to talk about, this is one of the best remedies possible. Apply at least 3 to 4 times a day to completely be over it in two days.

 8. Cold Milk. Cold Milk. Cold Milk.
Alright. This is not a remedy. This is The Remedy, for all ailments of the eyes. It really does not seem to matter what kind of milk as long as it is pure. People have used cow's milk, goat's milk, camel milk with immediate and fantastic results. It seems, nothing works better for the eyes than milk. In the south of India, this is a remedy that is part of common knowledge, unforgotten, and used frequently. The main difference being, that out there people generally use mother's milk. Trust me when I say, that mother's milk is probably thrice as effective as cow's or goat's milk. A drop of this magic in your eye provides immediate and acute relief from, itchiness, swelling and irritation. Milk can be used any number of times and it will always produce the same cooling effect. In my opinion, there is nothing that even comes close to this ultimate remedy. However, please do not get hung up on mother's milk, cow's milk will do just fine. No matter what your eye trouble, cool milk is probably the best medicine you can find. 

Please note: Use pure cow's milk that you get from a proper dairy. Even Buffalo milk will do just fine. Please do not use the 'milk' that is supplied in packets all over. There are no guarantees to that stuff, and I often wonder whether it is milk at all. 
* Some times pure milk can be thick, do use your common sense generously, and add some distilled water. Use it when cool, not cold, do not chill it.

You can put a couple of drops directly into the eyes, or you can apply the same with a rolled cotton ball. You can also soak the cotton in milk and place it over your eyes and under it. Yes, it does make the area sticky, but the relief and well-being you feel in your eyes, far outweighs this little inconvenience. I can go on ranting about this remedy, but let me finish by saying that Milk is what God probably intended you to put in your eyes for your eye troubles. As far as I know, no one has been ever harmed by washing their eyes with cold milk or by putting a few drops. 
Milk is probably the God-intended remedy for tired, inflamed, itchy eyes. Period.

There, I told you I was deeply opinionated. Don't let that stop you from trying the remedies suggested above. All of them work, some more than the others. Nothing works better than milk though.

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